Bảng Mạch Phát Triển Nano V3.0 Ch340g Atmega328p Usb Sang Ttl

1 Đánh Giá
20 Đã Bán
70.900 đ

Quốc tế

thứ ba 24/03/2020 lúc 10:26 CH

Latest edition of nano v3.0 atmega 328p

Improved version for easy use

nano v3.0 is a super mini simple i / o platform with open source code, comparison with previous UB version of diecimila, nano has a great advantage in volume, that is, it can be used to develop the need to run independently, and electronic supplies with interactive effects; It can also be used to develop computer connections, same as flash, processing, max / msp, pd, interactive works of software such as vvvv, etc. that are completed in cooperation.

Technical parameters of nano:

Technical parameters of nano:
1. 14 digital input / output ports tx, rx, d2 ~ d13,
2. Eight analog input ports a0 ~ a7
3. 1 pair of ttl level serial port rx / tx
4. 6 pwm ports, d3, d5, d6, d9, d10, d.11
5. Use of atmel atmega 328p au microchip
6. Support for UB Downloading and Power Supply
7. Supporting the supply of DC power from outsourced 5v to 12v
8. Support 9v battery power supply
9. Support isp download
10. Three modes of electricity supply: UB, vin, external 5v inputs

Under the condition that the performance of nano is constant and the main chip atmega 328p au remains constant, we replaced the usb chip, improved download speed, increased stability at win7 win8.

2. Download UB Chip Driver

Download address: http: / / www.html: / / wch. cn / downloads. Php? name = pro & proid = 65

Foreign Customer Download Address: http: / / www.html: / / www.org / wch ic. com / download / list. Asp? id = 126

3. Insert nano development panel, drivers will be automatically installed

4. Choose a card nano inside the die

5. Choose com ports, this is available on my computer, just your uno panel inside port
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Tham gia: 24-03-2020

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